Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. My Design Sprint Journey

    3. Isn't this a product thing... not education!?

    4. Information for your school leaders/colleagues

    1. Big Problems

    2. The Team

    3. Pitching a Design Sprint

    4. Adapting the Design Sprint for Education

    5. In-Person vs Remote

    1. Scoping Session

    2. Preparing for In-Person

    3. Preparing for Remote

    4. Running a Hybrid Design Sprint

    1. The Workshop Activities

    1. Introduction to Workshop 1

    2. Expert Interviews

    3. Long Term Goal and Sprint Questions

    1. Introduction to Workshop 2

    2. The Map

    3. Lightning Demos

About this course

  • 3 x $99.00
  • 48 lessons

Bring the innovation workshop used by Google, Lego and more to your School!